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January's Featured Artist: Alex Gogoliev

About The Artist

My artistic journey began with a desire to capture my dreams on paper. I 've always been fascinated by lucid dreaming, and I still keep a dream journal to this day. That journal has become an endless well of ideas and inspiration, fueling my creativity.

Trying to translate the strange and wonderful imagery from my dreams into quick sketches gave me the first push to create. Dreams are often beyond words, and a sketch can be the perfect tool to capture their essence. St first, I used a simple pen, but as my passion deepened, I transitioned to ink pens for a more refined expression.

Another important source of inspiration for me is travel. Every chance I get to explore new places and fully immerse myself in nature is a cherished experience. When I'm out in the world, all the noise and distractions fade away, and I'm reminded of what truly matters. In those moments, I find clarity and can truly witness the moment. And hopefully capture this moment in my art. I know that no painting or photograph can truly replicate being out there and seeing with your own eyes. But I carry those moments within me, allowing them to shape and inspire my art, filtered through my own perception.

My children also continue to inspire me. When we're outdoors as a family, their innocent wonder and excitement are contagious. Through their eyes, I'm able to rediscover the beauty of the world, which deepens my appreciation and inspires my work even more.

To learn more, please visit

Inkberry Books: January 27th at 7:00 PM

Author Leah Papke

In Spite of Ourselves

This poetry collection follows the chronology of a storyline, following the protagonist through the stages of life, represented as the plot. Each chapter explores the themes of self-identity, love, and loss which mature as the plot continues. Ultimately, this is a story of how every protagonist can learn to thrive in spite of any disadvantages they may feel they have.



Leah Papke is the author and illustrator of the self-published book In Spite of Ourselves. After many years of using poetry as an outlet through hardships, the collection fell together as a story of resilience and perseverance amidst the challenges of life. 

The book itself serves as a testament of what is able to be overcome in spite of oneself. The author hopes to inspire and encourage those enduring a similar struggle.

Inkberry Books: March 1st at 7:00 PM

Author Najda Maria

A Story About God's Wife: Bubie's Book

This book is a bridge that brings together what some believe should remain separate. Its message is of inclusivity and belonging, of embracing who we are and living our truth.

It shares the angst at times of venturing out and widening the shelter of experience. Raised in a conservative Jewish environment the author felt the need to break free and connect with other people, places and other spiritual traditions. Stepping out, she was deeply nourished and fed spiritually but had to confront prejudices along the way.


In a time of upheaval and renewed violence between Israel and Palestinians this book offers hope and possibility for positive change. The author confronts her own fears that held her back to becoming a strong and passionate voice for peace. A Story About God's Wife: Bubie's Book shows the path to peace lies in one person becoming more conscious When inner growth evolves from belief to personal and sometimes mystical experience, hope deepens.


I began a meditation practice at nineteen. From that point on I pursued spiritual practices from numerous traditions and began studying healing and consciousness. In my twenties I helped establish a healing center for people seeking personal growth as well as for special needs children and their families. Since then, healing has woven its way through my life working with individuals, couples, children and groups.

I offer a variety of modalities; Intuitive guidance, Energy healing, Option Process Inquiry, Life Centered Therapy which utilizes kinesiology for emotional and spiritual interference, Oneness Blessing energy transmission, EFT tapping and Guided Meditation.

I feel deeply grateful to be with someone as they come out the other side of struggle. To support another as the clouds clear and give way to a full exhale, ease and a renewed love for life brings me great joy.

I am certified as an Option Process Trainer, Life Centered Therapy practitioner, and Oneness Blessing practitioner.

I have just written my first book, A Story About God's Wife: Bubie's Book. This book shows the path to peace lies in one person becoming more conscious. When inner growth evolves from belief to personal and sometimes mystical experience, hope deepens.